home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- [DefaultInstall]
- RequiredEngine=Setupapi,%BadSetupVer%
- ComponentName="ICW"
- ComponentVersion=5.0
- CustomDestination=CustInstDestSection
- DelFiles=DeleteICW2,DeleteICW3,DeleteICWSBS,DelIE2ICWLink,DelIE3ICWLink,DelIE4ICWLink,DelIE5ICWLink,DelICW3DesktopIcon
- DelDirs=DeleteICWDir
- CopyFiles=CopySYS,CopyOTHER,CopyHELP,Copy95Only
- AddReg=MSICW.RegEntries,!Uninstall.Reg
- DelReg=!MSICW.BadRegEntries
- RegisterOCXs=RegisterICWSection
- PerUserInstall=MSICW.Stub.Add
- RunPostSetupCommands=MSICWPostSetupCommands:1
- PreRollback=Uninstall
- UpdateInis=UPD.Links
- [DefaultInstall.NT]
- RequiredEngine=Setupapi,%BadSetupVer%
- ComponentName="ICW"
- ComponentVersion=5.0
- CustomDestination=CustInstDestSection
- DelFiles=DeleteICW2,DeleteICW3,DeleteICWSBS,DelIE2ICWLink,DelIE3ICWLink,DelIE4ICWLink
- DelDirs=DeleteICWDir
- CopyFiles=CopySYS,CopyOTHER,CopyHELP,CopyNTOnly
- AddReg=MSICW.RegEntries,!Uninstall.Reg
- DelReg=!MSICW.BadRegEntries
- RegisterOCXs=RegisterICWSection
- PerUserInstall=MSICW.Stub.Add
- RunPostSetupCommands=MSICWPostSetupCommands:1
- PreRollback=Uninstall
- UpdateInis=UPD.Links
- [MSICWPostSetupCommands]
- rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %49400%\icw.inf,MSInfInstall,3,n
- [MSInfInstall]
- CopyFiles=CopyINF
- [MSICW.Stub.Add]
- ComponentID="ICW"
- StubPath="rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx %17%\icw.inf,PerUserStub,,36"
- GUID={5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000}
- IsInstalled=1
- Locale=%LOCALE_ICW%
- Version=%Version%
- RollbackUninstall=1
- [PerUserStub]
- ComponentName="ICW"
- ComponentVersion=5.0
- RequiredEngine=Setupapi, "%error%"
- CustomDestination=CustInstDestSection
- DelFiles=DelIE2ICWLink,DelIE3ICWLink,DelIE4ICWLink,DelIE5ICWLink
- UpdateInis=UPD.Links
- [Uninstall]
- PerUserInstall=MSICW.Stub.Remove
- DelReg=DelUninstall.Reg
- UpdateInis=Uninstall.UPD.Links,Uninstall.UPD.Desktop
- [MSICW.Stub.Remove]
- ComponentID="ICW"
- StubPath="rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx %17%\icw.inf,PerUserRemove,,36"
- GUID={5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000}
- IsInstalled=0
- Locale=%LOCALE_ICW%
- Version=%Version%
- RollbackUninstall=1
- [PerUserRemove]
- UpdateInis=Uninstall.UPD.Links
- [CustInstDestSection]
- 49000 = ProgramFilesDir,5
- 49100 = IEFilesDir,7
- 49400 = SourceDir
- 49060 = OldIELinksLDIDSection,5
- 49080 = ICW3DesktopIconLocation,5
- [OldIELinksLDIDSection]
- "HKCU","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders","Programs","Internet Explorer 5","%25%\Start Menu\Programs"
- [ICW3DesktopIconLocation]
- "HKLM","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders","Common Desktop","Internet Explorer 5","%25%\All Users\Desktop"
- [ProgramFilesDir]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion","ProgramFilesDir",,"%24%\%ProgramFiles%"
- [IEFilesDir]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE","Path",,"%24%\%ProgramFiles%\%IEDIR%"
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 55="%ICWNAME%",,0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- connect.cnt =55
- inet16.dll =55
- icfg95.dll =55
- inetcfg.dll =55
- isign32.dll =55
- icwdial.dll =55
- icwphbk.dll =55
- icwdl.dll =55
- icfgNT.dll =55
- icfgNT5.dll =55
- icwhelp.dll =55
- icwconn.dll =55
- trialoc.dll =55
- icwutil.dll =55
- icwres.dll =55
- icwx25a.dun =55
- icwx25b.dun =55
- icwx25c.dun =55
- icwip.dun =55
- icwconn1.exe =55
- icwconn2.exe =55
- inetwiz.exe =55
- isignup.exe =55
- icwscrpt.exe =55
- icwrmind.exe =55
- icwtutor.exe =55
- connect.hlp =55
- icwdial.chm =55
- phone.icw =55
- state.icw =55
- support.icw =55
- icw.INF =55
- msicw.isp =55
- msn.isp =55
- phone.ver =55
- [DestinationDirs]
- CopyHELP = 18 ; LDID_HELP
- CopySYS = 11 ; LDID_SYS
- CopyINF = 17 ; LDID_INF
- Copy95Only = 11 ; LDID_SYS
- CopyNTOnly = 11 ; LDID_SYS
- CopyOTHER = 49100,%MSICWDIR% ; ICW AppDir
- DeleteICW2 = 49000,%OLD_ICWDIR% ; old ICW AppDir
- DeleteICW3 = 49100,%MSICWDIR% ; ICW AppDir
- DeleteICWSBS = 10,%OLD_ICW_SBS_DIR% ; old SBS install dir
- DelIE2ICWLink = 49060,%PGMDEL% ; IE2 ICW Start Menu location
- DelIE3ICWLink = 49060,%PGMDEL% ; IE3 ICW Start Menu location
- DelIE4ICWLink = 49060,%PGMDEL3% ; IE4 ICW and Win98 ICW3 Start Menu location
- DelIE5ICWLink = 49060,%PGMDEL% ; Win98 SE Start Menu location
- DelICW3DesktopIcon = 49080 ; ICW3 desktop icon location
- [RegisterICWSection]
- %11%\inetcfg.dll
- %49100%\%MSICWDIR%\trialoc.dll
- [Copy95Only]
- inet16.dll,,,32
- icfg95.dll,,,32
- icwscrpt.exe,,,32
- [CopyNTOnly]
- icfgNT.dll,,,32
- icfgNT5.dll,,,32
- [CopySYS]
- inetcfg.dll,,,32
- isign32.dll,,,32
- icwdial.dll,,,32
- icwphbk.dll,,,32
- [CopyOTHER]
- icwconn1.exe,,,32
- icwconn2.exe,,,32
- inetwiz.exe,,,32
- isignup.exe,,,32
- icwtutor.exe,,,32
- icwhelp.dll,,,32
- icwconn.dll,,,32
- icwutil.dll,,,32
- icwres.dll,,,32
- icwrmind.exe,,,32
- trialoc.dll,,,32
- icwdl.dll,,,32
- icwx25a.dun
- icwx25b.dun
- icwx25c.dun
- icwip.dun
- phone.icw
- phone.ver
- state.icw
- msicw.isp
- msn.isp
- support.icw
- [CopyINF]
- icw.INF
- [CopyHELP]
- connect.hlp
- connect.cnt
- icwdial.chm
- [DeleteICWDir]
- %49000%\%OLD_ICWDIR%
- %10%\%OLD_ICW_SBS_DIR%
- [DeleteICW2]
- icwconn1.exe
- icwconn2.exe
- inetwiz.exe
- isignup.exe
- icwdl.dll
- icwx25a.dun
- icwx25b.dun
- icwx25c.dun
- icwip.dun
- phone.icw
- state.icw
- msicw.isp
- msn.isp
- support.icw
- [DeleteICW3]
- icwconn1.exe
- icwconn2.exe
- inetwiz.exe
- isignup.exe
- icwdl.dll
- icwx25a.dun
- icwx25b.dun
- icwx25c.dun
- icwip.dun
- phone.icw
- state.icw
- msicw.isp
- msn.isp
- support.icw
- cns.gif
- nocns.gif
- progress.gif
- sidebar.gif
- connwiz.htm
- cwizfram.htm
- cwizintr.htm
- [DeleteICWSBS]
- icwconn1.exe
- icwconn2.exe
- inetwiz.exe
- isignup.exe
- icwdl.dll
- icwx25a.dun
- icwx25b.dun
- icwx25c.dun
- icwip.dun
- phone.icw
- state.icw
- msicw.isp
- msn.isp
- sbscfg.dll
- support.icw
- readme.txt,
- icwread.txt
- [DelIE2ICWLink]
- [DelIE3ICWLink]
- [DelIE4ICWLink]
- [DelIE5ICWLink]
- [DelICW3DesktopIcon]
- ; This creates the Start Menu links.
- [UPD.Links]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,""ICW11="%PGMGRP%"""
- ; ICW item
- setup.ini, ICW11,,"""%PGMITEM_ICW%"",""""""%49100%\%ICWDIR_SFN%\ICWCONN1.EXE""""""
- ; This nukes start menu link on uninstall
- [Uninstall.UPD.Links]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"ICW11=""%PGMGRP%"""
- ;ICW 5.0 items
- setup.ini, ICW11,,"""%PGMITEM_ICW%""",,,
- ; This nukes desktop link on uninstall
- [Uninstall.UPD.Desktop]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"DESKTOP=""..\..\%SHARED_DESKTOP%"""
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"DESKTOP98=""..\..\%SHARED_DESKTOP98%"""
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"DESKTOPNT=""..\..\..\..\%SHARED_DESKTOPNT%"""
- ;ICW 5.0 items
- setup.ini, DESKTOP,,"""%ITEMDEL_GETON3_DESKTOP%""",,,
- setup.ini, DESKTOP98,,"""%ITEMDEL_GETON3_DESKTOP%""",,,
- setup.ini, DESKTOPNT,,"""%ITEMDEL_GETON3_DESKTOP%""",,,
- [MSICW.RegEntries]
- ; File associations
- HKCR,.ins,,0,x-internet-signup
- HKCR,.ins,"Content Type",0,application/x-internet-signup
- HKCR,.isp,,0,x-internet-signup
- HKCR,.isp,"Content Type",0,application/x-internet-signup
- ; MIME execution options
- HKCR,x-internet-signup,,0,"%INET_COMM_SETTINGS%"
- HKCR,x-internet-signup,"EditFlags",1,00,00,00,00
- HKCR,x-internet-signup\Shell,,0,""
- HKCR,x-internet-signup\Shell\Open,"EditFlags",1,01,00,00,00
- HKCR,x-internet-signup\Shell\Open\command,,0,""""%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\ISIGNUP.EXE""" %%1"
- HKCR,x-internet-signup\DefaultIcon,,0,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\ICWCONN1.EXE,0"
- ; MIME database extensions
- HKCR,"MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-internet-signup","Extension",0,".ins"
- ; Software Version
- HKLM,"%KEY_ICW%","Version",,"%Version%"
- HKLM,"%KEY_ICW%","InstallationDirectory",,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%"
- HKLM,"%KEY_ICW%","CanInstallISPKit5",,"Yes"
- ; App Paths
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN1.EXE",,,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\ICWCONN1.EXE"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN1.EXE","Path",,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%;"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN2.EXE",,,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\ICWCONN2.EXE"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ICWCONN2.EXE","Path",,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%;"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ISIGNUP.EXE",,,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\ISIGNUP.EXE"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ISIGNUP.EXE","Path",,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%;"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\INETWIZ.EXE",,,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\INETWIZ.EXE"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\INETWIZ.EXE","Path",,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%;"
- ; Release Product Information
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard","Release Product",,"IE"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard","Release Product Version",,"5.0"
- ; Default product code
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard","Default Product Code",,"IE5"
- ; Licensing for progress bar
- HKLM,"Software\Classes\Licenses",,,"Licensing: Copying the keys may be a violation of established copyrights."
- HKLM,"Software\Classes\Licenses\57CBF9E0-6AA7-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905",,,"aahakhchghkhfhaamghhbhbhkbpgfhahlfle"
- ;Do desktop icon
- HKCU,%KEY_RUNONCE%,"^SetupICWDesktop",,"%49100%\%MSICWDIR%\icwconn1.exe /desktop"
- [!Uninstall.Reg]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ICW","QuietDisplayName",,"%ICWDISPLAYNAME%"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ICW","QuietUninstallString",,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx %17%\icw.inf,,,256"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ICW","RequiresIESysFile",,"5.00"
- [DelUninstall.Reg]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ICW"
- ; Delete these reg keys, no one uses them.
- [!MSICW.BadRegEntries]
- HKCR,".ins","EditFlags"
- HKCR,".isp","EditFlags"
- [Strings]
- ; Important - Be sure to place any localizable strings
- ; below the "Localization Border" Comment
- KEY_ICW = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard"
- KEY_IEDIR = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IE4\Setup"
- KEY_PROGRAM_FILES = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
- ICWNAME = "Internet Connection wizard"
- VALUE_ICW_INSTALL = "InstallationDirectory"
- Version = "1.10"
- KEY_RUNONCE = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce"
- ; No Strings above this line should be localized
- ; All strings below this line should be localized
- ;==============================================================================================
- ICWDISPLAYNAME = "Internet Ba≡lant² Sihirbaz²"
- ProgramFiles = "Program Files"
- IEDIR = "Internet Explorer"
- MSICWDIR = "Connection Wizard"
- OLD_ICWDIR = "ICW-Internet Connection Wizard"
- OLD_ICW_SBS_DIR = "Connection Wizard"
- ProgramFiles_SFN = "Progra~1"
- IEDIR_SFN = "Intern~1"
- ICWDIR_SFN = "Connec~1"
- ProgramFiles_SFN_OEM = "Progra~1"
- IEDIR_SFN_OEM = "Intern~1"
- ICWDIR_SFN_OEM = "Connec~1"
- SHARED_DESKTOP = "Desktop"
- SHARED_DESKTOP98 = "All Users\Desktop"
- SHARED_DESKTOPNT = "Profiles\All Users\Desktop"
- PGMGRP = "Donat²lar\▌leti■im"
- PGMITEM_ICW = "Internet Ba≡lant² Sihirbaz²"
- PGMDEL = "Donat²lar\Internet Araτlar²"
- PGMDEL3 = "Internet Explorer"
- ITEMDEL_INETWIZ = "Internet Kurma Sihirbaz²"
- ITEMDEL_GETON = "Internet'e Ula■²n"
- ITEMDEL_GETON3 = "Ba≡lant² Sihirbaz²"
- ITEMDEL_GETON3_DESKTOP = "Internet'e Ba≡lan²n"
- ;Start menu links
- ITEMDEL_INETWIZ_LINK = "Internet Kurma Sihirbaz².lnk"
- ITEMDEL_GETON_LINK = "Internet'e Ula■²n.lnk"
- ITEMDEL_GETON3_LINK = "Ba≡lant² Sihirbaz².lnk"
- ITEMDEL_GETON5_LINK = "Internet Ba≡lant² Sihirbaz².lnk"
- ;Desktop icon
- ITEMDEL_ICW3_ICON = "Internet'e Ba≡lan²n.lnk"
- INSTALL_DIR_PROMPT = "Internet Ba≡lant² Sihirbaz²'n²n kurulaca≡² dizini girin"
- ERROR_ENGINE_NOTFOUND = "Gereken kurma alt yap²s² bulunam²yor. ▌■lem iptal ediliyor..."
- ERROR_WRONG_ADVPACK = "Advpack.dll'in yeni bir sⁿrⁿmⁿ gerekiyor"
- IE_REQUIRED = "Bu paketi τal²■t²rmak iτin Internet Explorer sⁿrⁿm 4.0 yⁿklⁿ olmal²d²r!"
- INET_COMM_SETTINGS = "Internet ▌leti■im Ayarlar²"
- BadSetupVer = "Sisteminizde gerekli kurma alt yap²s² eksik."